Black Roses Meaning, Symbolism, And How To Leverage It With Forever Lasting Roses

Black roses are unlike any other type of rose. They are unique and deserve more appreciation.

Others may be quick to judge them harshly, but they don’t understand what makes the black rose so magical. At The Only Roses we know just how special they truly are. 

Attributes of Black

Perhaps the most negative black rose meaning is its connection with death and dying, something that’s true of the color black in general. Unlike romantic red roses and pure white roses we don’t see an appreciation of life, we see an expression of loss and mourning. Some people give small black roses, like our petite Hat Box Classic, to those who have lost someone they love. In literature and pop culture it’s a warning sign, a symbol of danger, sometimes even implication of a threat. A sort of ‘enter at your own risk’ or ‘you’re next’. Creepy, right?

Black roses certainly have an otherworldly quality to them, but it doesn’t need to be so gloomy and macabre. They’re seen as something not from the ‘natural world’, but rather from a supernatural or fantasy world. This idea is often expressed in art and pop culture. We might see fairies with black wings like a butterfly. They wear pretty black outfits as they lounge on large, black rose petals not unlike our Swing Opening Boxes. It looks mystical, like something out of a fairy tale. Black is also a color commonly used for dragons, creatures associated with strength and not necessarily evil evil. There’s no gloom and doom to be found here!   

Black in Pop Culture

Red is most commonly associated with elegance and beauty, but it’s possible to use a black rose symbol to represent those ideals as well. Think of the little black dress, a cocktail gown created by none other than Coco Chanel. It’s suave, it’s classy, and those features have lent themselves to Audrey Hepburn in her classic role from Breakfast at Tiffany’s. It’s a color worn by Hollywood’s beloved femme fatales, women who are dangerous yet alluring. These references might be lost on younger crowds who instead would be familiar with Marvel’s Black Widow character. Though initially shown in black and white we still use it today on characters like Dracula, often possessing the same dangerous, alluring appeal as the femme fatale.

Perhaps the best - but lesser known - example is Edith Piaf. The French singer would incorporate black into her outfits when she performed so people would be less concerned with her appearance and pay more attention to her singing. It made them focus on what truly mattered- her talent, her voice. Through her clever use of black she was able to put a positive spin on the color.

A Rose is Still a Rose

These are fascinating historical examples of using the color black, but they don’t really explain the black rose meaning. We know that black roses in particular have come to mean a certain thing because of their color. But there are characteristics of roses that never change no matter their color. They are still a symbol of love. Our Jewelry Box Heart is heart-shaped for a reason after all! It’s a better selection for Valentine’s Day or your anniversary if your beloved finds darker things to be aesthetically pleasing. 

They can be magical like our Beauty and the Beast Rose - this rose is straight out of a fairy tale! It is a wonderful gift for fans of the movie, fans of the book, and anyone who loves a timeless tale of romance. Or you can use it to add a touch of elegance to your home for all to see! Who wouldn’t want to show off such a magnificent floral treasure? If you want to bring that fairy tale to life, this is the rose for you.  

They can be associated with change. Change for the better, that is! What better way to celebrate that than with a medium round Hat Box arrangement? It’s a way of saying ‘Things might seem bad, but there’s still beauty in the world’. Everyone needs a little encouragement sometimes, and black roses say much more than words ever could. These roses can help you share those feelings with someone in a unique, special way.  

History of Black Roses

Now we’ve established why black roses, like the are as amazing as their red, white, and pink siblings. But we also said that they aren’t naturally occuring, and we meant it literally. So where exactly do they come from? The honest answer is that no one knows for certain. There’s a popular urban legend about their origins that circulated around the internet not long ago. The story goes that they originated in the Turkish city of Halfeti. Most people don’t believe that flowers like those used in our petite Jewelry Box rose grow in that area. But it has attracted plenty of tourists to the city and helped it prosper. This is even more proof that the black rose meaning can be a positive one!

We’ve also seen black roses cast their magic in Ireland’s music. The song title ‘Róisín Dubh’ means ‘Little Dark Rose’ in Irish. It’s one of their most famous political songs, thought to have been written in the 18th century (though many believe it’s even older than that!). If you give someone the large Jewelry Box square, you’re giving them a symbol of strength and pride. It sends a powerful message, and anyone who has strong beliefs is sure to appreciate that. And has a long history of rebellions and civil war, both music and the black rose are used as political symbols to this day. 

Our Black Roses are Special

To call all black roses ‘black’ isn’t entirely accurate. True black roses can’t be found in nature, but there are other ‘types’ that can. To be more precise ‘black rose’ is a term for all dark roses that are naturally occurring. They are dark shades of red and purple that appear similar to black. At The Only Roses we only offer genuine black roses to our wonderful customers, in a variety of exciting arrangements. No matter the message you’re trying to send, a black rose could be exactly what you need.   

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